Cancellation Policy

At Proplinkportalco, we understand that circumstances may arise where you need to cancel your subscription or service. We aim to make this process as simple and transparent as possible. Please review the following cancellation policy:

  1. Subscription Cancellation:
    • Customers can cancel their subscription at any time by contacting our customer support team or through their account settings on our platform.
    • Upon cancellation, the subscription will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle. No further charges will be incurred after the cancellation date.
    • We do not offer prorated refunds for unused portions of the subscription term.
  2. Service Cancellation:
    • For services provided by Proplinkportalco, customers must provide a written notice of cancellation at least 2 days prior to the desired cancellation date.
    • Cancellations received after this period may be subject to charges for the upcoming service period.
    • Any outstanding fees or charges incurred prior to the cancellation date must be settled in full.
  3. Refund Policy:
    • Refunds are issued in accordance with our terms of service and the specific circumstances of each cancellation.
    • Refunds are generally not provided for subscription cancellations or unused portions of the subscription term.
    • In cases where refunds are applicable, they will be processed within 2 days of the cancellation request.
  4. Exceptions:
    • Proplinkportalco reserves the right to make exceptions to this cancellation policy on a case-by-case basis.
    • In exceptional circumstances such as breach of terms of service, fraudulent activity, or violation of our policies, Proplinkportalco may terminate services immediately without prior notice.
  5. Contact Us:
    • If you have any questions or concerns about our cancellation policy, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support team at

Please review this policy carefully before proceeding with the cancellation of your subscription or service. By continuing to use our services, you acknowledge and agree to abide by the terms outlined in this cancellation policy.

Proplinkportalco reserves the right to modify or update this cancellation policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be communicated to customers via email or through our website.